I thought it would be best to start telling everyone a little bit about us. I'll start with Zach and I.
Zach and I met while we both worked at Qwest. We were both smokers at the time, and knew some of the same people. When we first starting seeing each other out there, Zach thought I was about the biggest bitch he had ever laid eyes on. It's quite humorous to look back on. I didn't ever really talk to people I didn't know, so he thought I was rude. Since he never talked to me either, I thought he was a jerk! lol
At some point we started talking to each more and we were both very attracted to other. The timing wasn't right though, so we were just friends for about 2-1/2 years. We had started some flirting over IM but then whenever we would see each other, we would get shy and stop the flirting. Ah, it used to make my stomach have butterflies every time.
At some point, our IM flirtings got much deeper, and we had plans to all go out to the bar with a bunch of mutual friends. Zach went downstairs to the basement of the bar to go the bathroom and I followed him. We were both rather drunk and when Zach came out of the bathroom, I ran at him (seriously I ran) and we shared our first kiss.
We started spending a lot of time together and decided in January 2007 that we wanted to get married. Zach official proposed on 07/07/07 with a ring he designed and made himself.
We planned to get married in Ohio on October 11th, 2008. But, in August 2007 we found out that we were expecting a baby. We couldn't be happier but I didn't want to get married big pregnant. So, we postponed the wedding for a while.
The next blog will be about our kids!